Never underestimate a fire. With enough oxygen and other fuels, even the smallest flame can turn into a full-scale blaze, destroying everything in its path in just six minutes. The problem is, even if fire fighters are rushing to your aid, external factors such as traffic and construction could prevent them from reaching you in time. Which means that to beat a fire, you need two important things on your side: Quick response time and a powerful fire fighting equipment that’s easily accessible on the premises A fire hydrant is now a days mandatory for any premises

A fire hydrant system is the standalone fire fighter in any establishment. A Hydrant system is basically water distribution network backed by a number of components & accessories like fire pumps, piping system, water tank etc

Types of Fire Hydrant System

Watermist Hydrant System

Powered by revolutionary Watermist technology, these fire fighting systems can take on any kind of fire – even electric.

Hydrant and Sprinklers

Designed to successfully fight large fires (particularly Class A) in commercial premises such as malls, factories and cinema halls.

Advantages of Fire Hydrant System

  • Readily available source of Fire Fighting

  • Quick response during the fire

  • Self Dependency 

  • Easy to operate

Application of  Fire Hydrant Systems

  • Buildings

  • Large Warehouses

  • Chemicals  Industry

  • Textile &  Garment  Industry

  • Petrochemicals & Refineries

  • Ceramics & Stone Processing

  • Metal Processing